When you walk in the countryside after heavy rain, your shoes will get covered in…

When out walking in the countryside after heavy rain, an overwhelming 80% of you told us that your shoes are most likely to get covered in mud. However, you may still get covered in clarts when walking in Northumberland, County Durham, and Cumbria, and plother may give you bother in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Venture slightly further south into Lincolnshire and it’s blather you’ll be cleaning off your boots, while in the area stretching from Merseyside through Manchester, up into Lancashire and eastwards towards the Peak District, it’s likely to be slutch.


While the term slutch shows some stability, the term clarts seems to be falling out of use and is not reported by the under 11s. The same is true of words like clods and blather, which indicates a potential move away from these regional terms.

This bar graph animation shows how the use of these words has changed over time.

Interactive words map

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You can tick the boxes on the side to select a word and show the places the word was used by the people who completed The Great Big Dialect Hunt. This map is based on where people grew up, not where they live now.