Emboldened writing is the part of the clip audible in the recording.
<F Mon3>
<S MP>
<G F>
<A 87>
<D 09-12-55>
<I SE>
<L CN S104>
<T 8:58>
<MP it ‘s eighty one years,
in March,
since I started school in Raglan.
The same school that is now.
Only of course there ‘s (a) different school master.
it ‘s altered inside,
but not the outside appearance.
It not altered at all.
But uh # our schoolmaster came from Cheltenham here when I went to school then.
A Mr. Saunders,
C.J. Saunder.
And he was here for years.
And he got married.
He married a # young woman from just outside of Raglan,
a Miss Jefferies. MP>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP And +/. MP>
<OS xxx xxx for gentleman xxx. OS>
<MP No.
And he +…
But after +…
he lived in part of the school house.
But the part that faced the churchyard.
And his sister came to keep house for him till he got married.
But after he got married he went to live at Castle Vale,
that uh +…
the far end of the village.
# And there their first baby was born.
And then they moved from there across to the other side of the road where the schoolmaster lives now.
But at one time,
when I was a little girl,
there used to be a lock-up butcher’s shop on the outside of the +…
of where the schoolmaster lives now.
And a man from London +…
And he +…
uh his grandson,
# or his great-grandson.
Which would it be?
His grandson,,
in’t it? MP>
<OS Hmm. OS>
<MP UH lives in Raglan now and he ‘ve only just uh # gave up (the) butcher’s shop.
his name were. MP>
<MP Well I had to go to work somewhere,,
didn’t I?
[!= laughs]
That old people wouldn’t keep me,
they # had to make me work.
Oh I went uh # [/] I went [\] to Troy House Monmouth to service.
I was there # five years with Mr. Somer- +…
Mrs. Somerset.
Mr. +…
The General was dead.
# Hmm. MP>
<OS that ‘s where the laundry is now. OS>
<MP Where the [/] where the [\] laundry is in Rag- +…
in Monmouth now.
Outside of Monmouth.
Just as you go in.
# From this way like. MP>
<MP [!= laughs]
I have baked bread years ago.
When I was a little girl I baked bread.
In a great big open oven,
you know,
(I) used to put wood in there to heat the oven and get it to certain heat,
and # (I) used the lay the leavens,
as they called,
that was the uh [/] the [\] barm,
you know,
overnight in the pan of flour.
And mix it up in the morning and then # work it up into loaves.
And when the oven was properly heated put it in and bake it.
[!= coughs]
Bake it # according to the size of the loaves like,
you know.
My mother learnt me how to bake.
And then we used to make # some cake like,
you know,
out of the dough.
Not the fancy cake that they make now.
(We) used to make it out of the dough.
Put some lard +…
course the old fashioned people,
the old people,
used to # kill pigs and they had their own lard,
you know,
and [/] and [\] all that,
and they used to make l- +…
What they call ‘lardy cake’ with this uh # [/] with this [\] lard and [/] and [\] a bit of the dough,
and a bit of sugar on it.
we kids used to think that was [*summat*] wonderful.
[!= laughs]
To have a lardy cake. MP>
<OS Hmm. OS>
<MP The butcher to kill the pig,
see. MP>
<SE Hmm.
But the dressing? SE>
<MP Oh well,
and open the pig xxx +/. MP>
<OS They don’t xxx xxx like they do now. OS>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP We used to # have to go down to the [/] the [\] brook to wash the pig’s belly.
# And uh then bring it home and # put it in a clean pan.
Of salt and water.
Change it every day for a week.
# And fresh water and salt every day and then boil it.
And then eat it. MP>
<SE [!= laughs] SE>
<MP [!= laughs] MP>
<SE What about sausages? SE>
<OS No. OS>
<MP Oh,
we couldn’t make sausages out of pig’s belly xxx.
[!= laughs] MP>
<SE No,
you did make sausages. SE>
<MP No.
Not out of the pig meat,
see. MP>
<SE Oh? SE>
<MP No. MP>
<OS xxx xxx xxx. OS>
<MP Oh no.
They were +…
used to +…
all the end meat out of the pig,
they used to # eat,
you know,
the spare ribs and [*griskins*],
and [/] and [\] the chains [?] and all that,
and then they used to # make sausage +…
make uh # brawn out of the # part of the head.
The cheeks,
the pig’s cheeks,
they used to salt,
and put salt uh [/] put salt [\] and saltpetre on it and keep it for about a fortnight in salt,
and that make nice bacon,
cut off in slices,
you know. MP>
<MP You know,
they didn’t call (th)em ‘cheeks’,,
they a pig’s [*chuck*],
[!= laughs] MP>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP And then # course the # inside of the pig,
it didn’t last very long.
They used to sprinkle a bit of salt on it and it used to +…
wo- working class of people,
used to last (th)em about a month and [/] and [\] they used to +…
And then they salt the flitches,
you know.
The flitches of bacon. MP>
<SE And how did they do that? SE>
<MP Well,
put it on a [/] a a [\] board,
or a stone,
a salting stone or [*summat*],
and # just uh # put a bit of saltpetre all round the bones in the [/] in the [\] ham and the shoulders.
And a bit of pepper.
And then as much salt as you like,
according to whether you liked it salty or not,
you know. MP>
<SE How we set about making butter. SE>
<MP Uh,
we used to # put them +…
the milk +…
have the milk brought in,
from the cows.
And strain it,
in pans.
Leave it over night and then skim all the cream off it.
And put that in a [/] in a [\] jar like,
and keep +…
It was in a # proper thing,
you know,
cream jar.
(A) big # round one,
like that.
According to the cows you ‘d got.
And then you did # put just a little pinch of saltpetre in it.
Wi- +…
(A)bout every three days and just turn it up,
and a bit of salt.
And then # put it in a churn,
skim it all off.
skim the cream all off and put in this pan.
And then,
you did put it in a churn.
Pur- uh purpose for making butter,
and turn and turn and turn till you got it.
[!= laughs]
And then,
after that,
you +…
after you got the butter,
you had to wash it well in # clean water and then work it up,
and the salt all in it,
and weigh it out into half pounds or how they [/] how they [\] wanted it. MP>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP Then take it to market.
[!= laughs]
What you didn’t want yourself.
But # in the summertime if they ‘d got a lot of butter,
they used to put to down in pans,
and +…
Round pans,
you know,
and salt on it,
and [/] and [\] uh that was for the winter when the cows didn’t milk so much.
[!= coughs]
Hmm. MP>
<SE What about cheese though? SE>
<MP Cheese?
We used to make cheese.
We used to make cheese with the skimmed milk.
[!= coughs]
But we used to put # two or three lots of skimmed milk together,
and then have one not +…
lot of new milk and put wi- +…
in with that # skimmed milk like,
to make cheese.
Then we would +…
Of course we had rennet and that for to # turn it.
Put it in a tub and turn it.
Warm the milk.
Put the rennet in it and turn it and then after it was turned into # that curd,
you know.
# Get all the [/] the [\] whey off it.
And break it all up.
# Put a bit of salt with it and put it in cheese vats.
And put it in the +…
# Under a press,
And keep it like that for so many +…
(a) couple of weeks and turn (th)em every uh day,
or every other day,
you know.
And put dry cloths on (th)em.
And all that.
# Oh,
we used to do a lot of xxx xxx then.
[!= laughs] MP>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP Mother used to get a [/] a [\] piece,
you know.
Flatten it out a bit,
and # cook ever so many pieces on the oven’s mouth,
for us to have,
to go to school.
We used to think that was wonderful with a bit of butter,
eating that. MP>
<OS Like batch [/] batch [\] cakes. OS>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<MP Like batch cakes,
what you buy in the shop like,
Batch cakes.
But uh course this was done on the +…
on open +…
on the oven’s mouth.
And then,
them as got fruit,
after the baking was done,
and the bread out,
they ‘d get a apron full of apples,
and fling in the oven.
[!= coughs]
And leave (th)em in there for a little while,
and then,
the kids ‘d have them,
you know,
and they was +…
They wasn’t # broken nor nothing.
They were cooked.
you know,
but I used to like them. MP>
<OS Tough. OS>
<MP Tough.
You know,
tough they was,
but you could pick them up and bite them,
but they were soft,
like me. MP>
<SE Hmm.
[!= laughs] SE>
Transcription by Juhani Klemola and Mark Jones, 1999 See http://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/381/1/LSE_1999_pp17-30_Klemola_Jones_article.pdf and http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/ach-allc.99/proceedings/scott.html