Emboldened writing is the part of the clip audible in the ‘Dialect in the South East’ story.
<F Ha1>
<S CD>
<G M>
<A 60>
<D 31-01-58>
<I SE>
<L CN T77>
<T 10:19>
<SE Right now,
don’t take any notice of this Charlie,
because uh # we just wanna talk normally,
you know. SE>
<CD Yeah. CD>
<SE Can you tell us what you did when you left school? SE>
<CD Uh first job I had? CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Shepherding. CD>
<SE Oh aye. SE>
<CD Help with the sheep for about a six months. CD>
<SE Hmm.
What did you have to do when you were doing that? SE>
<CD In +…
With sheep?
# Carried hurdles.
# Then I learned a way to # pitch # [/] uh pitch [\] the hurdles,
# Used to help the old shepherd feed ’em.
# A bit of hay,
and +…
you know,
and a bit of cake.
We used to have a bit of cake then though. CD>
<SE Hmm.
Do they look ’em +…
Did they look after ’em a bit different in those days,
than they do now? SE>
<CD Oh,
not much,
not much,
not the Hampshire Downs lot.
# But they uh # [/] they [\] used to have a bit of cake then,
And perhaps xxx in the # [/] in the [\] lamb cake,
used to have some locust.
# Locust was good to eat.
we used to get this here locust and sort of [/] sort of [\] # slam this food over.
And get the locust out of it,
and all that in there,
And you ‘ve got your locust beans,
That used to be sweet,
We had to get out +…
get pocketful of that,
and keep chewing and chewing.
# We would always take ’em up a # pocketful of locust,
There was always somebody running after # some locust at night. CD>
<SE Hmm.
What ‘s locust exactly? SE>
<CD Well,
Locust is a +…
It ‘s a bean.
# Locust beans. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD They come +…
They don’t grow in this country.
I think they ‘re imported,
all these locust beans.
They ‘re sweet,
and # sort of a # [/] a [\] +…
with a soft woody scent.
Sweet as syrup they are. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Used to be a lot of locust,
uh used for c- +…
uh sheep one time. CD>
<SE Hmm.
Were there more sheep in those days than there are now? SE>
<CD Oh,
more sheep there were about in them days,
uh uh than there is now. CD>
<SE Hmm.
# And then what did you do when you left the shepherd? SE>
<CD Uh # went garden boy.
At Glanville Lodge. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD For uh # [/] for [\] Captain Faherty.
Was a captain then,
but he uh +… CD>
<OS Good evening. OS>
<SE Evening. SE>
<CD Hello.
# Then when I uh +…
# used to uh weed the garden,
and uh look after the +… CD>
<CD Chickens and that.
# And uh # lead the pony,
when we was # lawn mowing.
# All jobs like that there. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Used to always have me +…
Always used to bring me out my lunch.
If I didn’t go in the house and get it.
Always used to bring it out.
I used to have it out uh on the lawns. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD That was a # cup of hot milk,
# and # some bread and butter. CD>
<SE I see.
# What was this tale you were telling me about going +…
somebody went up to Bedwin,
or somewhere,,
didn’t they? SE>
<CD Oh,
that ‘s when they uh +…
# Old xxx xxx.
That ‘s uh +…
# I went up there o- once.
# When I was a boy.
# Uh when Will +…
# Will xxx +…
xxx xxx xxx xxx,
# it was uh all the horses then.
Double uh,
and single,
The vans,
Used to have bells on and things.
# Used to deliver this beer up with horses.
# Well,
and this old boy says,
+” Going for a ride Charlie? “+
I says,
+” Aye. “+
I says,
+” I ‘ll come. “+
# See.
I said,
+” Where are we going then? “+
+” Oh, “+
he says,
+” We ‘re going up to Bedwin. “+
# So uh,
gets up to Bedwin,
# gets to the pub.
Of course,
the [/] the [\] first # uh thing he had to do,
was to put the nosebag on,
He had always the nosebag,
for the old horse.
# So we put the nosebag on,
along come [: came] a xxx +…
# along come [: came] a # party,
along on the road,
and # dressed up well,
she was.
# So he says,
+” What a nice horse that is. “+
And xxx patted en on the neck,
# A little nipper come [: came] along,
he says,
+” Don’t thee go talking to her you.
# Her just had her bloody xxx xxx.
Her was so hot,
her was,
her couldn’t help herself,
her couldn’t “+
# And this here party gave en such a smack up side of ear xxx,
and knocked en for six. CD>
<SE [!= laughs]
How about the chap you met?
Was it +…
What was his name that you met the other night over there? SE>
<CD Who?
Old Buddy Skates do you mean? CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Over at Glanville? CD>
<SE Aye.
Didn’t you tell me something about him that was peculiar? SE>
<CD # Oh,
old Buddy. CD>
<SE Tell him about xxx. SE>
<CD Oh,
he ‘s proper Hampshire,
he lives +…
I think he worked for Lord Abbot,
# ever since he was a little nipper. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Mr. North at Glanville. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD # His own father was there too.
# Oh,
he proper Hampshire.
# xxx xxx I [/] I s- I [\] was at xxx xxx hill a little while ago,
up Teddy Hams’s.
# And # come [: came] in here,
+” Hello Charle. “+
I says,
+” Hello Bill.
How bist getting on? “+
+” Oh, “+
he says,
+” Alright.”+
He said,
+” How ‘s the missus? “+
I said,
+” She ‘s alright thanks Bill. “+
+” How are the boys? “+
+” Oh,
they getting on. “+
I says.
+” They be alright. “+
You know,
that I said the other day,
went there for xxx.
# See?
# And uh I says,
+” Oh,
aye. “+
I says,
+” You was up in that xxx pit. “+
+” Aye. “+
he says.
+” We cut he all down and burned the bushes.
# Then what you think we did?
We had twenty good load of wood out on [: of] it. “+
I says to old bill,
I says,
+” I suppose ye ‘s had a couple of load for yeself then? “+
+” Aye. “+
he said.
+” I had a bit on [: of] it. “+
he said. CD>
<SE [!= laughs]
Tell us now about your keepering Charlie.
All about that.
We don’t +…
I don’t know anything about it,
you see.
Can you tell us something about that?
# How many have you got now? SE>
<CD How many what? CD>
<SE How many pigeons have you +…
Is it pigeons? SE>
<CD How many what? CD>
<SE Is it pigeons you keep? SE>
<CD Pi- pigeons? CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD xxx keepering? CD>
<SE # Aye. SE>
<CD No.
Don’t look after pigeons xxx. CD>
<SE [!= laughs] SE>
<CD Eh.
They be all out to kill,
been ’em? CD>
<SE Hmm.
What is it then?
Mostly pheasant? SE>
<CD Aye.
Mostly pheasants.
That ‘s what looks after. CD>
<SE Hmm.
How many have you got now? SE>
<CD Oh,
I don’t know.
there ain’t many left now. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD # We ‘ve had most of they. CD>
<SE Yeah.
Just switch it off a moment,
Can I?
# No,
do- down +/. SE>
%The recording from which the following transcription has been made is affected by high levels of interference.%
<SE How did you come to leave the building then for keeping Charlie? SE>
<CD How did I come to leave it? CD>
<SE Yeah. SE>
<CD Well,
it wasn’t my fault,
it was +…
Uh uh my boss,
he asked me to +… CD>
<CD because he never had a keeper,
then. CD>
<SE But had you any # [/] any [\] experience about +…
with +/. SE>
<CD My father was a gamekeeper. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Oh yes.
We used +…
# Always mess about with father rearing pheasants and that xxx. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD But in the old fashioned +…
Uh in +…
that [/] that [\] was in the old fashioned way,
see? CD>
<SE Yeah. SE>
<CD I mean today [/] today [\] is different from that now,
xxx. CD>
<SE How is it different? SE>
<CD Well,
you +…
# In the [/] in the [\] olden days,
you had to mix all your food up,
all your grub up for your # chick- +…
uh your pheasants look.
Cut your eggs and that up,
# And # boil your rice,
and biscuitmeal and uh # all such things as that,
But now,
you +…
I mean you buy your uh +…
# You [/] you [\] b- +…
You can +… CD>
<SE Sorry Charlie.
# Carry on Charlie.
It ‘ll be alright.
# Yeah.
Sory Charlie to interrupt you. SE>
<CD But now you can # [/] you can [\] buy pheasant crumbs,
you see,
and # start,
and [/] and and [\] uh they do to start off with.
You ‘ve got no +…
# There none of that now,
cutting up like you did,
you see,
in they days,
though. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD You buy your pheasant crumbs and start ’em off and that,
and +…
Well then,
most people doing it now,
uh is to work +…
feed ’em about three weeks on the pheasant crumbs,
then whip ’em back onto turkey crumbs,
# Because turkey crumbs is a lot cheaper than what pheasant crumbs is,
see? CD>
<SE What ‘s a pheasant crumb? SE>
<CD # Pheasant crumbs?
it ‘s uh uh +…
You +…
They [/] they they [\] are made specially for it,
you see.
You ‘ve got everything in it,
# I mean,
you may +…
you get sort of certain amount of egg,
and uh # then uh biscuits,
meal and uh [/] and [\] that ‘s all uh # [/] that ‘s all [\] made by uh # uh the miller,
you see. CD>
<SE # I see.
Have they nearly finished shooting now? SE>
<CD They have finished.
# What ‘s the day?
# Last day today,,
in’t it?
# Last day of January. CD>
<SE Oh yeah.
So what do you do now with your keepering?
What will you +…
What will be left after the shooting? SE>
<CD Well,
you has all your [/] your [\] trapping season ‘s coming now,,
in’t it? CD>
<SE What do you have to do then? SE>
<CD Trapping season?
# you think about your eggs and xxx xxx xxx.
# About to get your # [/] get your [\] hen birds out. CD>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<CD Hen birds.
Then you get your eggs. CD>
<SE Yeah. SE>
<CD For next year,,
don’t you.
You ‘ve got to look forward to next year now,
ain’t you?
# Because this year ‘s gone.
It ‘s no good to wait till next year and look forward then,,
is it? CD>
<SE No.
When you were a lad knocking about the village Charlie,
did you ever get up to any mischief? SE>
<CD Aye.
All sorts on [: of] it. CD>
<SE Aye.
Can you tell us something that +/. SE>
<CD Eh?
# Oh,
I used to +…
# Well,
very often had the [/] had the [\] police after you.
# I can tell you that. CD>
<SE Did you?
# What?
You used to get together with the gang of xxx +/. SE>
<CD Yeah,
get up and # paper parcel.
Have a paper parcel xxx xxx. CD>
Transcription by Juhani Klemola and Mark Jones, 1999 See http://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/381/1/LSE_1999_pp17-30_Klemola_Jones_article.pdf and http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/ach-allc.99/proceedings/scott.html