<F MxL1>
<S John Andrews>
<G M>
<A 84>
<D 28-04-58>
<I PW>
<L CN S120>
<T 6:44>
<JA Well,
only ordinary feeding.
Only +…
Of course,
# to rise early in the morning,
you used to make sure,
# that the horses get a stomach full of food.
So that they ‘re not xxx during the day.
# You see.
That was the idea.
So that you make sure that everything was # in practical order.
See? JA>
<PW Yeah. PW>
<JA And that ‘s how uh it was. JA>
<PW Hmm.
And what did you give them? PW>
<JA # Oh,
# Corn chaff,
Anything that was # necessary for their strength,
and # physique.
[!= laughs] JA>
<PW Can you think of any incidents that happened about these horses?
Did you have a very good horse?
Or somebody? PW>
<JA Oh,
a beautiful lot of stock.
We had a beautiful s- sample of horses.
All farm-horses.
All [/] all [\] uh uh +…
What do you call ’em?
Uh # not shire horses,
but uh # hard working horses.
Draught horses,
you see.
You call ’em ‘draught horses’ because they ‘re always draughting the # plough,
or anything like that.
Ploughing and xxx and # all sorts of things.
In the +…
On the land.
# And xxx +…
You see,
the horse there is [/] is [\] eating the # [/] the [\] hay from the # racket.
# See,
that +…
these are [/] these are [\] eating from the rack.
He ‘s pulling that through there,
you see.
# And there ‘s his mate # next door to him.
That ‘s just the same thing.
And here [/] here [\] ‘s the manger at the bottom as I showed you this morning,
about the cows.
[!= laughs]
And they ‘ve finished their work,
and they ‘ve just come home for a +…
to rest now.
# And that there,
that ‘s the way in the day passes,
and +…
# As it’ s been most of my lifetime.
My [/] my [\] lifetime’s work.
# Yes.
that ‘s a plough.
Uh there with his horse,
just # working on the land.
Driven by two +…
By a pair of plough reins.
The carman walking behind.
The carman’ s behind here,
walking with the tool.
This is an implement.
he got no shafts.
# He just # got the chains.
Here [/] here [\] is his reins,
you see?
Coming back there.
# See? JA>
<PW [!= laughs] PW>
<JA Now how was that?
[!= laughs] JA>
<PW Very good. PW>
<JA That ‘s the bridle of the horse.
And this is the hames of the horse.
Here you are.
What you was talking of yesterday.
Here are the hames.
# Well,
# they ‘re the hames.
Those chains are hooked onto the hames,
to where the xxx xxx xxx. JA>
<PW Ahhah. PW>
<JA See? JA>
<PW Hmm. PW>
<JA That ‘s the bridle of the horse,
you see. JA>
<PW Uhhuh. PW>
<JA # That ‘s the girth of the horse.
# This is the crupper. JA>
<PW Uhhuh. PW>
<JA See? JA>
<PW [!= laughs]
Uhhuh. PW>
<JA You don’t need the wanty there. JA>
<PW Which is +… PW>
<JA The wanty ‘s not there.
You don’t need it.
This here ‘s your tracer,
you see.
# He ‘s in what we call ‘trace harness’.
xxx xxx.
Here he [/] here he [\] is in saddle.
This is the horse,
# saddled to the cart.
Here ‘s the shafts of the cart,
there ‘s the collar,
there ‘s the hames,
hooked from there to there.
You see.
And that ‘s the xxx of the horse,
and here ‘s the wanty,
under the horse. JA>
<PW Ahhah. PW>
<JA You see?
And this is his breeching,
you see?
That ‘s to stop the loads downhill.
Or anything of the sort. JA>
The last few seconds of the above are repeated.
<JA You see?
And this is his breeching,
you see?
That ‘s to stop the loads downhill.
Or anything of the sort. JA>
<PW # Very good. PW>
<JA Yes.
That ‘s the shafts of the [/] that ‘s the shafts of the [\] vehicle he +…
which he ‘s +… JA>
<PW Mmhm. PW>
<JA Drawing. JA>
<PW What ‘s that there? PW>
<JA Well,
that ‘s where he ‘s hooked onto,
you see.
# The shafts come up here.
This is the prog stick.
What we call ‘a prog stick’.
# [!= laughs]
# And that ‘s another one fully harnessed,
not doing anything.
# See?
# There he is.
That ‘s where +…
What we call # ‘driving horses single’.
# See?
Got a load of manure or anything else on.
Do you see?
# Well,
they ‘re the forks used.
# The ordinary forks.
Stable forks.
Land forks.
That ‘s the stable fork.
Ordinary fork,
digging fork,
# small fork.
That ‘s a rake.
we call that ‘a drag’ really.
That ‘s used for the carts.
Pulling manure off the carts.
That ‘s your drag.
We call that. JA>
<PW # Hmm.
What was the worst job on a farm? PW>
<JA # The worst job? JA>
<PW Mmhm. PW>
<JA # There were so many worse jobs. JA>
<PW [!= laughs]
Oh. PW>
<JA [!= laughs]
# Well,
there were +…
# It [/] it [\] was uh +…
It wasn’t so much the hard work,
as the matter of time that you put in with it,
you see.
Of course,
I mean,
a # horse to a man that ‘s driving the horse,
# they ‘re pals,
nothing more or +…
They ‘re [/] they ‘re [\] pals.
And often his xxx +…
The man and his horse,
they ‘re pals.
And they ‘re as fond as +…
Uh of each other as a man and wife are,
# Wait a minute,
I mean a horse knows when you got to +…
And you know.
xxx xxx a horse keeper.
You know in a moment whether you ‘re # pals with your carter.
Or you know whether that horse is pals with his [/] with his [\] driver.
# See,
they ‘ll be loving together,
and just as much as two # pigeons.
# Yes.
You would hardly believe that,,
would you?
But it is so.
But if a man ‘s cruel and nasty,
that horse is # just as nasty with him.
# You can make of kindness by being kind.
# Is that all going down?
# [!= laughs] JA>
Transcription by Juhani Klemola and Mark Jones, 1999 See http://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/381/1/LSE_1999_pp17-30_Klemola_Jones_article.pdf and http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/ach-allc.99/proceedings/scott.html