Emboldened writing is the part of the clip audible in the ‘Getting out and About’ story.
<F Nb8>
<S TM>
<G M>
<A 76>
<D 21-03-53>
<I SE>
<L CN S4: Nb8>
<T 8:04>
<SE How did you # make a cart wheel?
You ‘d have to do it by hand,,
wouldn’t you? SE>
<TM Oh,
you turn the nave. TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM The nave,
you know,
that ‘s the centre.
You turn that first. TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM You turn it on a lathe,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM And,
it was all drawn out on board for you,
the size.
You took your callipers,
and you took your sizers,
and you turned that.
# And then +…
# aye,
but on that nave there ‘s some [/] there ‘s some [\] more irons on that nave.
I divven’t know +…
I ‘ve forgetten what they call them.
# They ‘re +…
After you get your nave turned,
you take that to the blacksmith’s # and he fixes an iron plate on the back side,
and an iron plate on the front.
# On the nave,
you know,
that ‘s +…
and then the spokes comes in between.
# You ‘ve got all them spokes to set off # [/] set off [\].
That ‘s my grandchild. TM>
<SE Ahhah. SE>
<TM Come in!
All them spokes to set off,
right around that wheel. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM And you have got them all to mortise out with the hand.
Bore ’em with an auger first,
you know,
howk them out with the hand.
And then +…
that ‘s an awful job,
putting them in. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Aye,
it takes a good strong fellow to drive them [/] to drive them [\] right up,
you know.
Well and after you get all your spokes in,
you take that +…
You # get all your shoulders,
uh uh the width of your wheel you know,
and your fellies. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM That ‘s the outside,
and you [/] you you [\] get a # [/] a [\] centre thing and put it,
put through a hole # in the centre.
you ‘ve got a thing,
after you get that thing through the centre of the nave,
there ‘s a pin sticking up here.
## And you work off [/] off [\] a thing at gans [: goes] up the side of the wheel to get your plumb cut for the [/] for the [\] spokes,
# ends of the spokes,
you know.
# You see? TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM And then you ‘re getting off this pin on there again # [/] you you [\] take your sweep right around your wheel look,
with a [/] with a [\] # a sharp pointed pin,
and you +…
that ‘s all your shoulders,
# And you cut them down,
and shoulder your shoulders,
you dress all your fellies up on the inside,
# and fair them up on the face,
you know.
# And all them spoke ends is all tenoned,
what they call tenons on them,
you know.
Shouldered and tenoned.
You ‘ve got to set all your fellies off on them and mortise the holes on them,
put them all up.
## And there you are,
you ‘ve got them all to dress,
# take ’em to the blacksmith and get ’em hooped,
and then you dress all the backs of the wheels off it.
# Oh,
it ‘s an awful job making wheel +…
cart wheels,
that. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM An awful job. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM # Aye,
that ‘s it. TM>
<SE [!= coughs] SE>
<TM Aye,
on the nave here,
look! TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM On the front of the nave,
from the face of the spokes here to the end of the nave,
there ‘s an iron thing round there.
I uh I ‘ve forgetten what they call [/] what they call [\] hit [: it].
## And then there ‘s a one on the back side of the spokes there,
comes nearly up agen the spokes.
Maybe half an inch off each side of the front of the back of the spokes.
That ‘s to hold that nave together # when you drive your spokes in.
Now do you see? TM>
<SE Yes,
I see. SE>
<TM And then this,
this is hooped.
The blacksmith hoops that as +…
after you get all your fellies and things on.
You allow about # three quarters of an inch gape +…
# hole # uh # atween # all the points of the [/] the [\] fellies here,
all their cuts,
you know,
atween the spokes # where the # felly joints are,
you leave them open.
# But them fellies is all pinned and all you know,
and they keep them together.
# Well,
# that ‘s what they call # allowance for the +…
when the ho- hoop ‘s put on,
it contracts you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM They keep dowsing of it with cold water,
and draws all your joints here,
of your # [/] your [\] felly in. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM No joints to be seen after it ‘s all put together,
you know. TM>
<SE No. SE>
<TM And you +…
after all that ‘s done,
you get it onto a # [/] a [\] square stool with a hole in where the nave goes down,
and you get a file,
and you file all these edges # [/] edges [\] and clean them off with a spoke shave. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM And there you are,
you ‘re ready for your paint.
And then,
after you get that done,
# you ‘ve got a [/] a [\] great long screw thing about that length,
you put it up through this hole in the nave,
and there ‘s a little cutter comes out the side.
# And you bore it right down through that nave,
for to put your bush in.
## Terrible lot of work in them. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM A lot of work. TM>
<SE # And that ‘s the biggest job on the cart,,
is it? SE>
<TM That ‘s the hardest job on the cart. TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM This,
this is just play work this,
you know,
the +…
all this fancy work round here.
It ‘s play [/] play [\] work.
## I ‘ve forgetten what they call them +…
Everything gans [: goes] out your memory,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Oh # uh # some [/] some [\] # uh # nine [/] nine [\] by two and a halfs,
kinda [/] kinda [\] cambered,
nine by two and a halfs,
right around there.
You made it like a square. TM>
<SE Uhhuh. SE>
<TM About # nine inches,
you know,
and nine inches along here.
This was all hollow. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM The middle.
# That ‘s what they call your sole pieces.
# And then your cod # your cods,
what they call your cod come under- come underneath that for to gan [: go] down through into your axle,
where your axle lay on.
# Great big axle block under it as well,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Was # laid your cod ‘s rested on the top of that and you put great big # iron bolts # right down through,
# well # that +…
the limbers come on,
and all +…
on your cods and that # created your cart for to coup upside down,
worked off the centre of the wheels here. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Worked off your bush,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM When your cart tipped up,
it # hit [: it] went and all,
worked on that. TM>
<SE Oh,
I see. SE>
<TM Aye. TM>
<SE But you ‘d two sorts of carts,,
hadn’t you? SE>
<TM Aye,
long cart and [/] long cart and [\] coup cart. TM>
<SE And what was the difference in making them then? SE>
<TM Oh,
the long cart was +…
# there was # fancy work done along the side here.
Lot of [/] lot of [\] ploughing out,
you know,
and # uh # putting # what they call ogee # ogees on,
you know,
that ‘s # uh # that ‘s a plane you get,
# it was [/] it was [\] like that,
look. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM You had all that to work on [/] on [\] the square edges on it.
# Keep the +…
you know # to uh # make it fantastical,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Ni- uh nice. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM That was all the # all worked out,
then those # stays put down here,
one # two,
about four along that cart,
put down there,
and # your [/] your [\] rail +…
this rail along here,
come [: came] up on the [/] on the [\] top of that,
was all mortised together.
# Bolted down.
I ‘ve forgetten what they call them iron things that # comes up one at each end.
Then there ‘s two flat ones come down here for to strengthen it. TM>
<SE Hmm.
# Hmm. SE>
<TM ## And # uh # I ‘ve done some hard work with them [/] them [\] round things.
## And none now hardly,
## Just an old muck cart # about a farm there.
They ‘ve got all these [/] all these [\] motor wheel trailers on now,
you know. TM>
<SE Hmm.
Of course there was some craftmanship in those days. SE>
<TM Oh my God,
there was. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM One of them carts now +…
If you were getting one of them carts nowbelieve me,
[!= coughs],
If you were getting one of them long carts now made by a country joiner it would cost you nearly eighty pound.
## Get sixteen pound for one when I was on the go.
# Wages was # uh # [/] wages was [\] only about thirty bob,
you know,
for country joiners then. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Now they ‘re about six pound,
seven and +…
six pound ten and seven and # seven pound ten a week now,
you know.
## You couldn’t [/] you couldn’t [\] make a cart for to sell it.
The farmer wouldn’t buy it off you.
## The barrows ‘s the same way.
## I made many score of barrows.
Many a score.
Why aye. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Aye. TM>
<SE That ‘s an easy job,,
is it? SE>
<TM Why,
it ‘s hard,
it ‘s [/] it ‘s [\] +…
the # [/] the [\] body of the barrow ‘s oak,
you know.
Either ash or oak. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM It ‘s hard work.
The wheel ‘s the worst. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Getting the wheel round,
you know,
it ‘s +…
# uh getting it fair. TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM You know.
For your +…
# When uh [/] when [\] you ‘re wheeling it,
for not the wheel to gan [: go],
you know what I mean? TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM You see the buckled wheel there? TM>
<SE Hmm. SE>
<TM Like that.
That ‘s the [/] that ‘s the [\] hardest job,
getting uh +…
to do a barrow wheel,
to get it to # run fair. TM>
<SE Aye. SE>
Transcription by Juhani Klemola and Mark Jones, 1999 See http://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/381/1/LSE_1999_pp17-30_Klemola_Jones_article.pdf and http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/ach-allc.99/proceedings/scott.html